Organizational Management


This track aims at improving the overall organizational morale, productivity, efficiency and leadership / managerial strengths through relevant training and proper assessments.

OM-01: Organizational Behavioral Assessment for Corporate Development (Custom – to identify training needs to meet organizational vision / mission / goals)

Nishtha conducts interviews and assessments in a confidential and systematic manner within an organization, to identify  specific gaps in resource skill sets or productivity related standards as well as cultural gaps and provides a recommended track / courses for remediating such gaps. This is a very critical requirement for Medium and Large enterprises. A Top–Down, Bottom-up and Top-Down model of assessment is done on the organizational structure to bring out the best data for planning.
Customized training courses can then be conducted based on the needs of the enterprise.

OM-02: Values based Leadership for Individual Contributors  (2-Day)

This is to tap into the leadership capabilities of any professional individual performer, who aspires to become a leader or manager either in terms of thought (functional skills) or teams (managerial). The training will guide the individual through all aspects & principles of leadership,  bring out various skills to be acquired / groomed to effectively manage or lead teams and gain maximum productivity and morale.  This will again be relevant to current day organizational dynamics and requirements.  Participants will again go through role plays and discussions, to realize that leadership is an integral part of their basic nature in its own unique style and flavor. They will also learn the general do’s and don’ts for successful leadership.

OM-03: Team Building / Grooming Workshop & Exercises (1,2-Day)

Team building / grooming in most organizations of over 50 employees is required periodically to help energize the teams and to regain focus on Company goals. Nishtha conducts team grooming courses that includes company-assessed critical ingredients / topics for growth interspersed with games, discussions and interactive sessions.
The purpose, benefit and importance of team exercises are multifold and cannot be undermined
1 Periodically get to know each other & establish professional bondage
2 Develop / groom team spirit and leverage team efficiencies through positive interaction
3 Knowledge awareness across disciplines for overall functional awareness level integration of the company
4 Bridging the gaps between new and old employees and to orient fresher employees
5 Refocus the vision of the company while re-energizing and motivating the team thru games and other activities
6 Identify leaders and individual strengths that are otherwise not normally elicited on rigid assignments

OM-04: Managing the employee life cycle (4 hours)

This program is for the HR professionals of an organization so that they can manage a highly diverse workforce effectively.  Apart from addressing the prime challenges faced by HR professionals now, this program will also focus on different stages of an employee in an organization in detail for incorporating proven best practices  that will help alleviate the concerns of the HR professionals.

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